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* European Teaching Theories (MA: EAE: Modul 4a) - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Veranstaltungsart Blockseminar Langtext
Veranstaltungsnummer Kurztext
Semester WS 2009/10 SWS 2
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Credits Belegung Keine Belegpflicht
Sprache Englisch
Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt] iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Raum-
Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen E-Learning
iCalendar Export für Outlook -.  bis  wöch.     online-Seminar   Präsenzveranstaltung
Gruppe [unbenannt]:
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen

The online seminar on European Teaching Theories deals with theoretical approaches on teaching and its contribution to facilitate learning on adulthood. This seminar is aimed at giving the background of the discussions and understandings regarding the building up of the didactic interaction with adults. It is the starting point and the basis for a professional adult educator that is planning and running a didactic interaction with adults, with the aim of facilitating the adults’ learning. At the end of the seminar, the students will be able to:
- explain different terms related to teaching and learning like didactics, teaching culture etc. and know examples about the different use of those terms in different European countries,
- distinguish different approaches and streams in teaching theory,

- describe different theories of teaching and their relationship to concepts of learning

- explain the basic relations between the different theoretical approaches to learning and teaching,
- analyze the relationship between learning and teaching with respect to different learning and teaching theories,
- plan and analyze adult education situations from a theoretical point of view.

- identify different approaches to teaching regarding sequence, attitudes towards the learner, context and technical facilities; students will understand how teaching theories and theoretical concepts might affect practical decisions.

Furthermore, the students will be able to explain their didactic approach based on different teaching theories. S/he will be aware that teaching is more than a skill, which requires permanent reflexion and reviewing while managing learning.

The online course will be for about four weeks. During the course, the students are strongly recommended to make extensive use of the online forum. They will have to produce three postings of suitable quality throughout the module, and also to participate in all of the discussion tasks, sharing their findings and experiences.


Hillier, Yvonne: Reflective teaching in further and adult education, Continuum, Londra, 2005;

Illeris, Knud: The three dimensions of Learning; Roskilde University Press, 2002.

Jarvis, Peter: Theory and practice of teachig. London: Roultledge 2002, 2006.

Knowles, Malcolm S.; Holton III, Elwood F.; Swanson, Richard A.: The Adult Learner. San Diego: Elsevier, 2005, pp. 73-114.

Pratt, Daniel D.; Nesbit, Tom: Discourses and Cultures of Teaching. In: Arthur L. Wilson (ed.): Handbook of Adult And Continuing Education. San Francisco LA: Jossey-Bass 2000, pp. 117-131.

Reece, Ian and Walker, Stephan: Teaching, Training and Learning. Sunderland: Business Education Publishers 2003, pp. 82-99

Rogers, AŞ: Teaching adults, Open University Press, Philadelphia, 2002.


MA: EAE 4a

Die Veranstaltung wird aus Studiengebühren finanziert.


Anmeldung: E-Mail an katrin.heyl@uni-due.de

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WS 2009/10 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024