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Language Myths - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Veranstaltungsart Hauptseminar Langtext
Veranstaltungsnummer Kurztext
Semester WS 2012/13 SWS 2
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen 50
Credits Belegung Belegpflicht
Sprache Englisch
Einrichtung :

Einrichtung :
Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt] iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Raum-
Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen E-Learning
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iCalendar Export für Outlook
Mo. 12:00 bis 14:00 wöch. R11T - R11 T05 C81      
Gruppe [unbenannt]:
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
Zielgruppe/Studiengang Semester Pflichtkennzeichen
Mag, Magisterstudiengang -
Bachelor, Bachelor -
alle Lehrämter, alle Lehrämter -
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Prüfungsnummer Prüfungsversion Modul
1702 Linguistics
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen

All of us use language, but that alone does not make us, or any of the other ordinary language users, experts on the subject. The majority of times we hear about language related issues is from lay people, such as journalists, politicians, or our next-door neighbour. Perhaps for this very reason, there exist a number of widespread and well-established myths connected to (the English) language that we frequently come across in conversations and are presented with in the media. In this course we address these common misconceptions and find out what lies behind commonly debated worries about, for example, the supposed deterioration of standards, the influence of TV and American English, that women are more talkative than men, etc. The name ‘myth’ implies that they are that well established that they are part of the Anglophone culture. Please buy the book below and bring it to the first session.

Compulsory reading:

LAURIE BAUER and PETER TRUDGILL, eds. Language Myths. New York: Penguin Putnam. Inc., 1998. ISBN: 978-0140260236

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WS 2012/13 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024