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Friedens- und Konfliktforschung - Der "Arabische Frühling" - Einzelansicht

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Semester WS 2013/14 SWS 2
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Di. 16:00 bis 18:00 wöch. LK - LK 063       Präsenzveranstaltung
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Powi B.A., Politikwissenschaft (Bachelor of Arts) 3 - 5
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Das Seminar Friedens- und Konfliktforschung - Der "Arabische Frühling"soll den Studierenden einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Umbrüche in der Arabischen Welt (manchmal als "Arabischer Frühling" bezeichnet) bieten und diese unter Gesichtspunkten der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung reflektieren. Dabei werden Ägypten, Libyen und Syrien im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit stehen, aber auch der Einfluß regionaler Akteure wie Qatar, Saudi Arabien und Iran behandelt werden.

Vorläufiger Seminarplan.

Politikgestaltung und Konfliktbearbeitung in einer globalisierten Welt


Der "Arabische Frühling"

Jochen Hippler





Seminarbesprechung und Klärunf von Schlüsselbegriffen



Ursachen der Umbrüche in Nahen und Mittleren Osten

Augustus Richard Norton, The Puzzle of Political Reform in the Middle East, in: Louise Fawcett, International Relations of Middle East, 3rd edition, Oxford, pp. 127-147


Neue und alte Medien und die soziale Bewegung als Faktoren der regionalen Umbrüche

Jan Hanrath/ Claus Leggewie, Revolution 2.0? The Role of Digital Media in Political Mobilisation and Protest, in: Globale Trends.



Syrien seit dem März 2011-Die Entwicklung und Veränderung des Bürgerkrieges

International Crisis Group, Syria’s Mutating Conflict


International Crisis Group, Syria’s Metastasising Conflicts




Ägypten bis zum Wahl Präsident Mursis- Der Sturz der Diktatur



Ägypten seit der Wahl Mursis-Der Zweite Militärputsch, seine Vorgeschichte und Hintergründe

International Crisis Group, Marching in Circles: Egypt’s Dangerous Second Transition Policy



Libyen vor und nach dem Sturz der Diktatur

Wolfram Lacher, Der libysche Sonderweg, in: Annette Hünemann/ Anja Zorob (Hrsg.), Arabellions-Zur Vielfalt von Protest und Revolte im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika, Wiesbaden 2013, S. 67-84.


Die Politik Saudi Arabiens, Qatars, Irans und der Türkei bezüglich der Umbrüche in der MENA Region



Die USA, Europa, Rußland, die UNO und die Politik gegenüber Libyen und Syrien im Vergleich



Islam, Islamismus, Salafismus und die Umbrüche in MENA

Azza Karam, Democracy and Faith- The Continuum of Political Islam, in: Nathan J. Brown/ Emad el-din Shahin (Eds.), The Struggle over Democracy in the Middle East, New York 2010, pp. 60-81.


Zivile und militärische Eingriffsmöglichkeiten zur Beeinflussung der Wandlungsprozesse in MENA

Jochen Hippler, Strategische Grundprobleme externer politischer und militärischer Intervention- Unter besonderer Berücksichtung der Krisensituationen des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, INEF-Report 103, Duisburg 2011.

4. 2. 2014

Stabilität und state failure-Reflexion über das Verhältnis von gesellschaftlichem Wandel und Gewalt

Kjetil Selvig/ Stig Stenslie, Stability and Change in the Modern Middle East, London 2011, Kapitel 10: „Breakdown“, pp. 233-258.




Die konkrete Literatur zur Vorbereitung der jeweils nächsten Sitzung findet sich im Seminarplan, also unter "Kommentar". Diese ist verpflichtend.

Dort finden sich zwei Arten von Texten: Solche, die im Internet verfügbar sind und im Seminarplan mit einem entsprechenden Link verzeichnet sind - und Aufsätze aus aktuellen Büchern. Diese finden sich in Fotokopie in einer Mappe in der INEF-Bibliothek und können dort kopiert, gescannt, gelesen oder sonstwas werden.

Wer weiterführende Literatur sucht, mag sich hier bedienen:


Ajami, Fouad: The Syrian Rebellion, Stanford 2012.

Asseburg, Muriel: Der Arabische Frühling und die Zuspitzung des Arabisch-Israelischen Konflikts, in: Annette Jünemann / Anja Zorob (Eds.), Arabellions - Zur Vielfalt von Protest und Revolte im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika, Wiesbaden 2013, pp. 159-174.

Auswärtiges Amt: Regierungserklärung durch Bundesaußenminister Westerwelle vor dem Deutschen Bundestag zum Umbruch in der arabischen Welt, 16 March 2013, http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/DE/Infoservice/Presse/Reden/2011/110316_BM_BT_arab_Welt.html.

Barkey, Henri J. / Lasensky, Scott B. / Marr, Phebe (Eds.): Iraq, Its Neighbors, and the United States - Competition, Crisis, and the Reordering of Power, Washington 2011.

Browers, Michaelle L.: Political Ideology in the Arab World - Accommodation and Transformation, Cambridge 2009.

Brown, Nathan J.: Changes in the Domestic Order, in: Ülgen, Sinan / Brown, Nathan J. / Ottaway, Marina / Salem, Paul (Eds.): Emerging Order in the Middle East, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Policy Outlook, May 2012, pp. 2-6.

Brown, Nathan J.: When Victory Becomes an Option - Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Confronts Success, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington January 2012.

Büchs, Annette: Wahlsieg der Islamisten in Ägypten: Der Aufstieg der Muslimbrüder und der Salafisten, GIGA Focus Nr. 1, Hamburg 2012.

Byman, Daniel L. / Pollack, Kenneth: Regional Actors - The Changing Balance of Power in the Middle East, in: Pollack, Kenneth M. et al. (Eds.): The Arab Awakening - America and the Transformation of the Middle East, Brookings Institution, Washington 2011, pp. 243-249.

Byman, Daniel L.: Terrorism - Al Qaida and the Arab Spring, in: Pollack, Kenneth M. et al. (Eds.): The Arab Awakening - America and the Transformation of the Middle East, Brookings Institution, Washington 2011, pp. 76-86.

Carter Center Election Witnessing Mission: Egypt 2011/2012 Parliamentary Elections, Preliminary Report on All Three Phases of the People's Assembly Elections, Atlanta 24 January 2012, http://www.cartercenter.org/resources/pdfs/news/peace_publications/election_reports/Egypt-Peoples-Assembly-Elections.pdf.

Clancy-Smith, Julia: From Sidi Bou Zid to Sidi Bou Daid: A Longue Durée Approach to the Tunisian Revolutions, in: Haas, Mark L. / Lesch, David W. (Eds.): The Arab Spring - Change and Resistance in the Middle East, Boulder 2013, 13-34.

Cole, Peter: Borderline Chaos? Stabilizing Libya’s Periphery, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington October 2012.

Commins, David: The Gulf States: A Modern History, London 2012.

Cook, Steven A.: Ruling but not Governing - The Military and Political Development in Egypt, Algeria and Turkey, Baltimore 2007.

Dodge, Toby: Iraq - From War to a New Authoritarianism, London 2012.

Donati, Caroline: The Economics of Authoritarian Upgrading in Syria - Liberalization and the Reconfiguration of Economic Networks, in: Heydemann, Steven / Leenders, Reinoud (Eds.): Middle East Authoritarianism - Governance, Contestation, and Regime Resilience in Syria and Iran, Stanford 2013, pp. 35-60.

Egypt’s police: What happened to reform? -The police are as rotten as ever, in: The Economist, 23 March 2013, http://www.economist.com/news/middle-east-and-africa/21574017-police-are-rotten-ever-what-happened-reform/print.

Ehteshami, Anoushiravan / Wright, Steven (Eds.): Reform in the Middle East Oil Monarchies, London 2011.

El-Katiri, Mohammed: State-Building Challenges in a Post-Revolutionary, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, October 2012.

Escribano, Gonzalo: A Political Economy Perspective on North Africa’s Transitions, Elcano Royal Institute, Working Paper 3/2013, Madrid 30 January 2013, http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/ca32b1004e5ec03db775bf077bddf9ce/WP3-2013_Escribano_political_economy_North_Africa_transitions.pdf?MOD=

Filiu, Jean-Pierre: The Arab Revolution. Ten lessons from the democratic uprising, London 2011.

Gelvin, James L.: Conclusion: The Arab World at the Intersection of the National and the Transnational, in: Haas, Mark L. / Lesch, David W. (Eds.): The Arab Spring - Change and Resistance in the Middle East, Boulder 2013, pp. 238-256.

Gerges, Fawaz A.: The Rise and Fall of Al-Qaeda; New York 2011.

Haddad, Bassam: The Politics of Private Sector Development in Syria, in: Lawson, Fred H. (Ed.): Demystifying Syria, SOAS Middle East Issues Series, London 2009, pp. 29-55.

Hamid, Shadi: Islamists and the Brotherhood: Political Islam and the Arab Spring, in: Pollack, Kenneth M. et al. (Eds.): The Arab Awakening - America and the Transformation of the Middle East, Brookings Institution, Washington 2011, pp. 29-38.

Hanrath, Jan / Leggewie, Claus: Revolution 2.0? The Role of Digital Media in Political Mobilisation and Protest, in: Debiel, Tobias / Hippler, Jochen / Roth, Michele / Ulbert, Cornelia (Eds.): Global Trends 2013. Peace - Development - Environment, Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden (SEF), Bonn 2012, pp. 37-51, http://www.globale-trends.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/GlobaleTrends_2013/gt_

Hanrath, Jan: Umbrüche im Nahen Osten - Hintergründe und Handlungsoptionen für westliche Politik und Zivilgesellschaft, INEF Policy Brief, Institute für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF), Duisburg 2011, pp. 9-11, http://inef.uni-due.de/cms/files/policybrief09.pdf.

Hanrath, Jan / Hippler, Jochen: Die US-amerikanische Politik im Nahen und Mittleren Osten unter Präsident Barack Obama, in: Orient – Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Orients, hrsg. vom Deutschen Orient-Institut in Berlin, Bd. 50, Nr. 2, 2009, pp. 56-66, http://www.jochenhippler.de/html/us_nahostpolitik_unter_obama.html.

Hilsum, Lindsey: Sandstorm - Libya in the Time of Revolution, New York 2012.

Hippler, Jochen: Zum Zustand des Irak beim Abzug des US-amerikanischen Militärs, in: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, Band 5, Heft 1, Berlin 2012, pp. 61-71.

Hippler, Jochen: Strategische Grundprobleme externer politischer und militärischer Intervention - Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Krisensituationen des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, INEF-Report 103, Duisburg 2011.

Hippler, Jochen: Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten – Grundprobleme einer konfliktträchtigen Region, in: Hippler, Jochen (Ed.): Von Marokko bis Afghanistan – Krieg und Frieden im Nahen und Mittleren Osten, Hamburg 2008, pp. 11-27.

Human Rights Watch: Syria: End Opposition Use of Torture, Executions - Abuses Show Need for Accountability, 17 September 2012, http://www.hrw.org/news/2012/09/17/syria-end-opposition-use-torture-executions.

Institute of National Planning: Egypt, with technical cooperation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Egypt Human Development Report 2010 - Youth in Egypt: Building our Future, Cairo 2010.

International Crisis Group: Tentative Jihad: Syria’s Fundamentalist Opposition, Crisis Group Middle East Report, No.131, Damascus/Brussels 12 October 2012.

International Crisis Group: Syria’s Mutating Conflict, Crisis Group Middle East Report, No.128, 1 August 2012.

International Crisis Group: Lost in Transition: The World According to Egypt’s SCAF, Crisis Group Middle East / North Africa Report, No 121, Damascus / Brussels 24 April 2012.

International Crisis Group: Holding Libya Together: Security Challenges after Qadhafi, Crisis Group Middle East/North Africa Report No.115, Brussels 14 December 2011.

International Crisis Group: Popular Protest in North Africa and the Middle East (VI): The Syrian People’s Slow-motion Revolution, Crisis Group Middle East/North Africa Report, No.108, Damascus/Brussels 6 July 2011.

International Crisis Group: Popular Protest in North Africa and the Middle East (V): Making Sense of Libya, Crisis Group Middle East / North Africa Report N°107, Damascus/Brussels 6 June 2011.

International Crisis Group: Popular Protests in North Africa and the Middle East (IV): Tunisia’s Way, Crisis Group Middle East/North Africa Report No. 106, Brussels 28 April 2011.

International Crisis Group: Popular Protests in North Africa and the Middle East (III): The Bahrain Revolt, Crisis Group Middle East/North Africa Report No.105, Damascus/Brussels 6 April 2011.

International Crisis Group: Popular Protest in North Africa and the Middle East (I): Egypt Victorious?, Crisis Group Middle East / North Africa Report, No. 101, Brussels 24 February 2011.

Kaye, Dalia Dassa / Nader, Alireza / Roshan, Parisa: Israel and Iran - A Dangerous Rivalry, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica 2011.

Lacher, Wolfram: Bruchlinien der Revolution - Akteure, Lager und Konflikte im neuen Libyen, SWP-Studie 5, Berlin März 2013, http://www.swp-berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/studien/2013_S05_lac.pdf.

Lacher, Wolfram: Libyens Neuanfang - Herausforderungen des Übergangsprozesses, SWP-aktuell 1, Berlin Januar 2012.

Lynch, Marc: The Arab Uprising - The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East, New York 2012.

Lynch, Marc: Voices of the New Arab Public – Iraq, Al‐Jazeera, and Middle East Politics Today, 2006 New York.

Martini, Jeffrey / York, Erin / Young, William: Syria as an Arena of Strategic Competition, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica 2013.

McMurray, David / Ufheil-Somers, Amanda (Eds.): The Arab Revolts - Dispatches on Militant Democracy in the Middle East, Bloomington 2013.

Milani, Mohsen M.: Iran's Persian Gulf Policy in the Post-Saddam Era, in: Ali Gheissari (Ed.): Contemporary Iran - Economy, Society, Politics, Oxford 2009.

Miller, Laurel E. et al.: Democratization in the Arab World - Prospects and Lessons from Around the Globe, RAND Corp., Santa Monica 2012.

Nasr, Vali: The Rise of Islamic Capitalism - Why the New Muslim Middle Class is the Key to Defeating Extremism, New York 2009.

Noueihed, Lin / Warren, Alex: The Battle for the Arab Spring - Revolution, Counter-Revolution and the Making of a New Era, New Haven 2012.

Osman, Tarek: Egypt on the brink. From the Rise of Nasser to the Fall of Mubarak; New Haven/London 2011.

Ottaway, Marina: The Consequences of the Internal Power Shift, in: Ülgen, Sinan/Brown, Nathan J./Ottaway, Marina/Salem, Paul (Eds.): Emerging Order in the Middle East, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Policy Outlook, May Washington 2012.

Pace, Joe / Landis, Joshua: The Syrian Opposition: The Struggle for Unity and Relevance 2003-2008, in: Lawson, Fred H. (Ed.): Demystifying Syria, SOAS Middle East Issues Series, London 2009, pp. 120-143.

Pargeter, Alison: Libya - The Rise and Fall of Qaddafi, New Haven/London 2012.

Pargeter, Alison: The Muslim Brotherhood from Opposition to Power, London 2013

Perthes, Volker: Der Aufstand - Die arabische Revolution und ihre Folgen, München 2011.

Pew Research Center: Muslim Brotherhood and Military Receive Positive Ratings - One Year Later, Egyptians Remain Optimistic, Embrace Democracy and Religion in Political Life, Pew Global Attitudes Project, Washington 8 May 2012, p. 15, 20, http://www.pewglobal.org/files/2012/05/

Pew Research Center: Obama's Challenge in the Muslim World - Arab Spring Fails to Improve U.S., Pew Global Attitudes Project, Washington 17 May 2011, http://www.pewglobal.org/files/2011/

Pew Research Center: Egyptians Embrace Revolt Leaders, Religious Parties and Military, As Well, Pew Global Attitudes Project, Washington 25 April 2011, http://www.pewglobal.org/files/2011/

Price, Megan/ Klingner, Jeff/ Ball, Patrick (Eds.): Preliminary Statistical Analysis of Documentation of Killings in the Syrian Arab Republic, commissioned by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), 2 January 2013.

Quilliam Foundation: Jabhat al-Nusra - Jabhat al-Nusra li-ahl al-Sham min Mujahedi al-Sham fi Sahat al-Jihad, A Strategic Briefing, London January 2013, http://www.quilliamfoundation.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/publications/free/jabhat-al-nusra-a-strategic-briefing.pdf.

Ramadan, Tariq: The Arab Awakening - Islam and the New Middle East, London 2012.

Rosiny, Stephan: Ein Jahr „Arabischer Frühling“: Auslöser, Dynamiken und Perspektiven, GIGA-Fokus Nr. 12, Hamburg 2011.

Rutherford, Bruce K.: Egypt: The Origins and Consequences of the January 25 Uprising, in: Haas, Mark L. / Lesch, David W. (Eds.): The Arab Spring - Change and Resistance in the Middle East, Boulder 2013, pp. 35-63.

Salem, Paul: Can Lebanon Survive the Syrian Crisis? Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Carnegie Middle East Center, Washington/Beirut December 2012.

Salem, Paul: The Regional Order, in: Ülgen, Sinan / Brown, Nathan J. / Ottaway, Marina / Salem, Paul (Eds.): Emerging Order in the Middle East, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Policy Outlook, May 2012, pp.10-15.

Sayigh, Yezid: Above the State: The Officers’ Republic in Egypt, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington January 2012.

St John, Ronald Bruce: Libya - Continuity and Change, New York 2011.

Stacher, Joshua: Adaptable Autocrats - Regime Power in Egypt and Syria, Stanford 2012.

Terrill, W. Andrew: The Saudi-Iranian Rivalry and the Future of Middle East Security, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks December 2011.

Thornberry, William/ Levy, Jaclyn: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, CSIS Transnational Threats Project and the CSIS Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program, Case Study Number 4, Washington, September 2011.

Tripp, Charles: The Power and the People - Paths of Resistance in the Middle East, Cambridge 2013.

UNDP: Arab Human Development Report 2009, Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries, New York 2009.

UNDP: Arab Human Development Report 2004, New York 2005.

UNHCR: Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, Periodic Update, New York 20 December 2012.

UNO: Report of the assessment mission on the impact of the Libyan crisis on the Sahel region, 7 to 23 December 2011, United Nations Security Council, S/2012/42, New York 2012, http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/2012/42.

US Department of Defense: Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense, Washington 2012.

US Embassy Tripoli: Regional Security Office, Security Incidents since June 2011, undated.

Van Dam, Nikolaos: The Struggle for Power in Syria - Politics and Society under Asad and the Ba'th Party, London 2011.

Wehrey, Frederic: The Struggle for Security in Eastern Libya, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington September 2012.

Wehrey, Frederic: The Wrath of Libya's Salafis, in: Sada, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 12 September 2012, http://carnegieendowment.org/sada/2012/09/12/wrath-of-libya-s-salafis/dtaz.

Wieland, Carsten: Syria - A Decade of Lost Chances: Repression and Revolution from Damascus Spring to Arab Spring, Seattle 2012.

Wolff, Sarah: The Arab revolts: reconsidering EU-US strategies for freedom, security and justice, in: Pawlak, Patryk (Ed.): The EU-US security and justice agenda in action, Institute for Security Studies, European Union, Chaillot Papers, Paris December 2011, pp. 101-111.

Yetiv, Steve A.: Oil, Saudi Arabia, and the Spring that has not Come, in: Haas, Mark L. / Lesch, David W. (Eds.): The Arab Spring - Change and Resistance in the Middle East, Boulder 2013, pp. 97-115.




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Eine Teilnahmevoraussetzung ist, daß alle Studierende vor Beginn des Seminars meinen Aufsatz "Change in the Middle East – Between Democratization and Civil War  -  A Short Introduction" gelesen haben. Er findet sich online unter: 



Teilnahmevoraussetzung ist, daß alle Studierende vor Beginn des Seminars meinen Aufsatz "Change in the Middle East – Between Democratization and Civil War  -  A Short Introduction" gelesen haben. Er findet sich online unter: 



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