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LatinX USA: Regions, Borders and Cultures - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Veranstaltungsart Hauptseminar Langtext
Veranstaltungsnummer Kurztext
Semester WiSe 2023/24 SWS 2
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen 30
Credits Belegung Belegpflicht
Sprache Englisch
Einrichtung :

Einrichtung :
Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt] iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Raum-
Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen E-Learning
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iCalendar Export für Outlook
Di. 14:00 bis 16:00 wöch. von 10.10.2023  V15R - V15 R03 H60      
Gruppe [unbenannt]:
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich

Zugeordnete Person
Zugeordnete Person Zuständigkeit
Deckers, Florian , M.A.
Prüfungen / Module
Prüfungsnummer Prüfungsversion Modul
1901 Literary Studies
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen

With approximately 65.3 million Latinx people living in the US and its territories, this community is by far the largest minority in the nation. While some parts of this pan-ethnic group have lived in areas that today are a part of the USA, since before its inception, others have migrated to this country alongside people from all over the world. Artists and authors from all backgrounds, however, contribute to the group’s constantly changing identity through their literature and other forms of creative expression. In this course we will focus on novels, performances, comic book series, and public art to get a glimpse of the diverse and multifaceted narratives that they create, which define the group as much as the cities and regions they live in.

Students should buy the following books:


Ana Castillo The Guardians (2007)

Ernesto Quiñonez Bodega Dreams (2000)

Helena María Viramontes Their Dogs Came With Them (2007)

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2023/24 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024