This course provides an introduction into academic writing and targets Master and PhD Students in Economics, which plan to write their thesis or their first academic paper. Students will be familiarized with the process of conceptualizing and creating research articles and scientific presentations. The course will be divided into two parts: In the first part of the course students will learn how to conceptualize and structure research articles and scientific presentations. The second part of the course then takes a hands-on-approach, asking students to familiarize themselves with basic software tools (in particular LaTeX and PSTricks), that can be used for the creation of high-quality content. To apply their newly gained abilities students will work during the course on the creation of a LaTeX-template library, that covers the most often used LaTeX-templates for the creation of specific tables or figures frequently used in the studies of economics. The grading of the course will be based on the templates that students create and present in class and all templates will be shared among the participants afterwards.
The course will be taught as a livestream in ZOOM. Students are kindly asked to set up a free-to-use overleaf account (, which provides a collaborative working environment, in which multiple users can simultaneously access the same LaTeX document.
Die Kursanmeldung erfolgt per E-Mail an bis zum 01.11.2023. |