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Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2015/16 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25
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MA East Asian Studies (Semester 3): Recent Developments in the Chinese Society    Sprache: Englisch    Keine Belegung möglich
(Keine Nummer) Hauptseminar     WiSe 2015/16     jedes 2. Semester    
   Institut: Institut für Soziologie    
   Zugeordnete Lehrperson:   Luo
   --- Keine Veranstaltungstermine bekannt ---

Short Description: This series of seminars provides in-depth discussions of current debates on Chinese Society, examining major methodological and topical issues. It will build on the MA Semester 2 course “Introduction to Chinese Society,” and students will be required either to have taken that course or to have acquired the relevant academic skills and knowledge in other ways. The course will in this session address the following topics: (a) Sociological perspectives on community building in urban and rural areas; (b) Indigenization of social sciences in China; (c) Class and stratification: Strategies for “class analysis.” Each topic will involve 4 or 5 weeks of work, each of which will be assessed through a written assignment with a different format: (a) a research hypothesis, (b) a book review and (c) a literature review.