We offer our "Drama Group" workshop again as a face-to-face class. However, due to the current Covid-19 restrictions it will be for a limited number of participants, therefore without new students. This time there can only be 10 participants in total who have already worked with us. We will address these directly when the allocation of space for the winter semester has taken place. It is important to us to work safely and successfully for everyone.
Für die Erlangung von ETS credit points können nur bis zu 6 Teilnehmer aufgenommen werden, da sonst die Voraussetzungen für erfolgreiches praktisches Arbeiten nicht mehr gewährleistet sind. Anmeldung über die IOS-Anmeldemaske (s.o. "Weitere Links"). No more than 6 participants wishing to acquire ETS credit points can be accepted in this course, as otherwise the conditions that are conducive to successful practical work can no longer be guaranteed. You can register for this course with the Institute of Optional Studies (see above "Weitere Links"). Studenten, die keine ETS credits benötigen, können sich direkt bei duet@uni-due.de anmelden.
Students who do not need ETS credits can register directly at duet@uni-due.de.
Winter term: As from mid January, there will be longer Saturday rehearsals, additional Sunday rehearsals, and there are four consecutive performance nights (three week days and one Saturday). Im Wintersemester: Ab Mitte Januar erhöhter Zeitaufwand für die Samstagsproben, zusätzliche Sonntagsproben, und vier aufeinanderfolgende Aufführungsabende (drei Wochentage und ein Samstag). |