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SoSe 2022
, Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25
The Global Knowledge Economy and African Workers in it
Sprache: Englisch
(Keine Nummer)
SoSe 2022
jedes 2. Semester
ECTS-Punkte: 5
Maximal : 30
Powi B.A., Politikwissenschaft (Bachelor of Arts)
Semester )
Bachelor of Arts Politikwissenschaft, Abschluss 82, Bachelor of Arts Politikwissenschaft (82275)
Semester )
- Kategorie : Wahlpflichtmodul
Zugeordnete Lehrperson:
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
Beginn : 08.04.2022
Ende : 15.07.2022
Raum :
SG 158
Beginn : 15.04.2022
Ende : 15.07.2022
Alternativraum/Slot für interne Zwecke
Kommentar: |
This seminar discusses the prospects for African workers in an era of rapid global change and asks what African governments and their development partners can do to help African workers enter and shape the global knowledge economy. Core questions are: How can we classify African economies? What roles can African workers play in the world of the 2020s? How does the global debate on artificial intelligence and job automation translate to Africa? Is catch-up development bound to happen or could we be moving toward greater geographical inequality and an eventual ‘useless class’ in the Global South? What role do platforms and internet connectivity play for inclusive growth in the coming decade? Can a globalized services economy emerge as a driver for African job creation?
Student eligibility & output: this course is offered (i) as part of BA PoWi Aufbaumodul 7 (i.e., for those who also sit the module lecture), and (ii) as Wahlpflicht (or other).
Aufbaumodul 7 students hold a 15-minute presentation (graded pass/fail) and write a 20-page term paper (Hausarbeit).
Wahlpflicht students and others (e.g., exchange students) hold a 15-minute presentation (graded 1-6).
Term papers: Aufbaumodul 7 students write a 20-page term paper (Hausarbeit, i.e., 6,000-word text, excluding references and annexes). Term papers are chosen from the range of topics discussed throughout the course (facilitated by consultations with the lecturer). A detailed outline of the seminar paper needs to be submitted by 15 July 2022. Students who choose to hand in the full paper by 23 July 2021 will receive comments within two weeks and the option to revise and resubmit to improve their grade. Either way, the final deadline for seminar papers is 30 September 2022 (last day of the semester).
Presentations: all students hold a 15-minute presentation. Presentation slides must be completed and emailed to the lecturer latest 7 days before the date of the presentation. The lecturer will comment within days, suggesting revisions. Please pick a presentation by entering your name here.
Short Essays: Wahlpflicht students who wish not to hold a presentation may instead write a 5-8-page short essay. An outline of the short essay needs to be submitted by 20 June 2022. Students who choose to hand in the short essay in full by 20 June 2022 will receive comments within one week and the option to revise and resubmit to improve their grade. Either way, the final deadline for short essays is 15 July 2022 (last day of the lecture period).
Course medium: this is an in-person course, conducted on campus (room SG 158). We will have a Zoom room as a back-up. All assigned course material can be accessed via Moodle. Please respect authors’ intellectual property (the usual copyright stipulations apply).
An initial single-session introductory meeting is held on:
- Friday, 8 April at 10:00-12:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
The course then kicks off with a series of double sessions:
- Friday, 29 April, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 6 May, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 20 May, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 3 June, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 17 June, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 1 July, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
The course ends with a single session:
- Friday, 15 July, at 10:00-12:00 (in-person, Room SG 158).
Bemerkung: |
This seminar discusses the prospects for African workers in an era of rapid global change and asks what African governments and their development partners can do to help African workers enter and shape the global knowledge economy. Core questions are: How can we classify African economies? What roles can African workers play in the world of the 2020s? How does the global debate on artificial intelligence and job automation translate to Africa? Is catch-up development bound to happen or could we be moving toward greater geographical inequality and an eventual ‘useless class’ in the Global South? What role do platforms and internet connectivity play for inclusive growth in the coming decade? Can a globalized services economy emerge as a driver for African job creation?
Student eligibility & output: this course is offered (i) as part of BA PoWi Aufbaumodul 7 (i.e., for those who also sit the module lecture), and (ii) as Wahlpflicht (or other).
Aufbaumodul 7 students hold a 15-minute presentation (graded pass/fail) and write a 20-page term paper (Hausarbeit).
Wahlpflicht students and others (e.g., exchange students) hold a 15-minute presentation (graded 1-6).
Term papers: Aufbaumodul 7 students write a 20-page term paper (Hausarbeit, i.e., 6,000-word text, excluding references and annexes). Term papers are chosen from the range of topics discussed throughout the course (facilitated by consultations with the lecturer). A detailed outline of the seminar paper needs to be submitted by 15 July 2022. Students who choose to hand in the full paper by 23 July 2021 will receive comments within two weeks and the option to revise and resubmit to improve their grade. Either way, the final deadline for seminar papers is 30 September 2022 (last day of the semester).
Presentations: all students hold a 15-minute presentation. Presentation slides must be completed and emailed to the lecturer latest 7 days before the date of the presentation. The lecturer will comment within days, suggesting revisions. Please pick a presentation by entering your name here.
Short Essays: Wahlpflicht students who wish not to hold a presentation may instead write a 5-8-page short essay. An outline of the short essay needs to be submitted by 20 June 2022. Students who choose to hand in the short essay in full by 20 June 2022 will receive comments within one week and the option to revise and resubmit to improve their grade. Either way, the final deadline for short essays is 15 July 2022 (last day of the lecture period).
Course medium: this is an in-person course, conducted on campus (room SG 158). We will have a Zoom room as a back-up. All assigned course material can be accessed via Moodle. Please respect authors’ intellectual property (the usual copyright stipulations apply).
An initial single-session introductory meeting is held on:
- Friday, 8 April at 10:00-12:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
The course then kicks off with a series of double sessions:
- Friday, 29 April, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 6 May, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 20 May, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 3 June, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 17 June, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
- Friday, 1 July, at 10:00-14:00 (in-person, room SG 158).
The course ends with a single session:
- Friday, 15 July, at 10:00-12:00 (in-person, Room SG 158).
Module: |
Aufbaumodul 7 (AM 7) |