Literatur: zur Auswahl für Referate und Gruppenarbeit, Klassiker zur Anleitung
Alvarez, Alejandro Moreno, and Christian Welzel (2011): How Values shape people’s views of Democracy: A global comparison.
Canache, Damarys. 2012. Citizens’ Conceptualizations of Democracy: Structural Complexity, Substantive Content, and Political Significance. Comparative Political Studies 45(9), pp 1132-1158
Cho, Youngho (2014), ‘To Know Democracy is to Love it: A Cross-National Analysis of Democratic Understanding and Political Support for Democracy’, Political Research Quarterly, 67: 478−88.
Cho, Youngho (2013), ‘How Well Global Citizens are Informed about Democracy?’, Political Studies, 63(1): 1−19.
Dalton, Russell J., Shin, Doh C. and Jou Willy. 2007. Understanding Democracy: Data from unlikely places. Journal of Democracy vol. 18 no. 4, pp 142-156
Diamond, Larry. 1999. Developing Democracy: Toward Consolidation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Ferrin, Monica and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). 2016. How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kollmorgen, Raj, Wolfgang Merkel und Hans-Jürgen Wagener (Hrsg.), 2015: Handbuch Transitionsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Linz, Juan, 1996: Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-communist Europe. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Merkel, Wolfgang, 2010: Systemtransformation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Merkel, Wolfgang. 2004. Embedded and Defictive Democracies. Democratization, Vol.11, No.5, pp.33–58, DOI: 10.1080=13510340412331304598
Møller, Jørgen. 2006. The Gap between Liberal and Electoral Democracy Revisited. Some Conceptual and Empirical Clarifications. EUI Working Papers SPS No. 2006/01.
Pickel, Susanne. 2016. Konzepte und Verständnisse von Demokratie in Ost- und Westeuropa. In: Demokratie jenseits des Westens. PVS-Sonderheft 51, Hrsg. Sophia Schubert, Alexander Weiß. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 318-342.
Schubert, Sophia (2016): Inwiefern universal? Zum Demokratiebegriff in der vergleichenden Demokratieforschung, in: De La Rosa, Sybille/Schubert, Sophia/Zapf, Holger (Hrsg.): Transkulturelle Politische Theorie. Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 285-303.
Shin, Doh Chull and Kim, Hannah June (2018): How Global Citizenries Think about Democracy: An Evaluation and Synthesis of Recent Public Opinion Research. Japanese Journal of Political Science 19 (2), pp 222–249 doi:10.1017/S1468109918000063
Shin, Doh Chull and Kim, Hannah June (2017): How Global Citizenries Think about Democracy: An Evaluation and Synthesis of Recent Public Opinion Research. Asian Barometer/Globalbarometer Working Paper Series No. 124.
Jay Ulfelder, Jay und Michael Lustik, 2007: Modelling Transitions To and FromDemocracy, Democratisation, 14:3, 351-387, DOI: 10.1080/13510340701303196
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