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Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2023/24 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024
  • Funktionen:
E3 - WiWi - Entrepreneurship with Purpose - Cr. 6-6    Sprache: Englisch    Belegpflicht
(Keine Nummer) Vorlesung/Übung     WiSe 2023/24     4 SWS     keine Übernahme     ECTS-Punkte: 6-6    
   Weitere Links: Studium liberale im IwiS (Modul E3)  Zu den Lageplänen der UDE 
   Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen: Institut für wissenschaftliche Schlüsselkompetenzen IwiS    
   Geschäftsbereich: Studium liberale (E3)    
   Teilnehmer/-in  erwartet : 5   Maximal : 5  
   Zugeordnete Lehrpersonen:   Rothe ,   Bloch
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
   Termin: Dienstag   12:00  -  16:00    wöch.
Beginn : 10.10.2023   
  E - V15 R02 G84

In this class, students learn about the characteristics of entrepreneurial ventures that are driven by a dual mission: a strong social, societal and/or ecological purpose alongside an economic mission. They learn about, discuss, and reflect upon social and economic purpose during ideation, team building and business modelling. They get acquainted with ideas, tools, processes and methods from various "practices" in impact-driven businesses and organisations, like Theory U, New Work and Design Thinking.
The class invites students to reflect upon and critically explore if and how social/ecological and economic purposes can be aligned in entrepreneurial ventures. Individually and in teamwork, they learn to reflect upon how personal values can drive the various blocks of a venture creation process. They experiment in teams to deal with potentially conflicting values and interests and align them in a collectively created idea.
Both the process and method Theory U by Otto Scharmer and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give structure to the course as they are used as method to explore individual values and mindsets and frame teamwork and, respectively, as a framework of reference for sustainability.

  • Forms of and ideas on entrepreneurship
  • Theory U
  • SDGs
  • Business Model Canvas - applying it on entrepreneurial cases and own business ideas
  • Agile work and design thinking
  • Excursion
  • Market research
  • Challenges for teams and entrepreneurs with purpose
  • Final event with poster presentation and joint reflection on learnings



The students

  • know different forms and meanings of entrepreneurship, e. g. social entrepreneurship, innopreneurship and others.
  • investigate their own values and personal purpose and get to know how this relates to entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • know the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) and can categorize business ideas from enterprises and their own ideas into the SDGs.
  • know different methods and tools for ideation processes and apply these in a team to create own ideas that are addressing social and/or ecological challenges on a local or global level.
  • allocate their ideas within the SDGs as a framework of reference for purposeful entrepreneurship.
  • know and apply business model framework(s) to design their own business ideas that are addressing social and/or ecological challenges on a local and/or global level with the SDGs as a framework of reference.
  • know and apply (digital) tools and methods for effective team organisation and management.
  • know elements of Theory U as a process and method for change management, transformation and leadership development (Otto Scharmer, Presencing Institute).
  • apply chosen methods and tools from Theory U individually, in teamwork and in relation to their business ideas.

start to develop an understanding of systemic connections regarding our natural ecosystems and their relevance for entrepreneurial endeavours.


Please consult our webage



Literature and other form of learning material will be announced in the course.


Achtung: Ausschluss umgeschrieben am 17.09.23!

Die Veranstaltung ist zugleich anrechenbar für Bereich II des Zertifikats ‚Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung‘ der UDE.

Weitere Informationen zu der Veranstaltung finden Sie auf der Seite des Lehrstuhls.

Bitte melden Sie sich hier ausschl. für das fachfremde Modul E3 Studium liberale an. (Als Fachstudent wählen Sie zur Anmeldung das fachintern übliche Verfahren; bei LSF: die gleichnamige Veranstaltung ohne das Präfix 'E3'.) Anmeldefrist ab dem 13.09.2023. Weitere Informationen zum Modul E3/Studium liberale, alle Veranstaltungen in chronologischer Reihenfolge, eine Liste freier Plätze etc. finden Sie oben unter „Weitere Links“.


In E3 nicht geeignet für: WiWi; AI-SE, Innopren., Wi.-Inf.
Bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, dass Sie die E3-Ausschlüsse immer selbständig bei Ihrer Auswahl beachten müssen. Das LSF-System schließt Fehlanmeldungen nicht aus. Auch ist im System nicht ersichtlich, nach welcher PO Sie studieren, oder welche/s Fachwissenschaft/Anwendungsfach vorliegt.


In the course, it is expected that students either know basics of the Business Model Canvas or are willing to put in extra work to get familiar with the model on side. Material for this will be provided.


Presentation (poster and oral presentation)