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Queering Love and Death in North American Literatures    Sprache: Englisch    Belegpflicht
(Keine Nummer) Hauptseminar     WiSe 2024/25     2 SWS     jedes Semester    
   Lehreinheit: Anglistik    
   Teilnehmer/-in  Maximal : 41  
   Zugeordnete Lehrperson:   Engel
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
   Termin: Mittwoch   10:00  -  12:00    wöch.
Beginn : 09.10.2024   
      Raum :   R11 T04 C36   R11T  
  fällt aus am 27.11.2024    Today's class will be a self-study class with individual preparation at home.Further information will follow on Moodle.

Romeo and Juliet - Dead. Arthur Dimmesdale - Dead. Jay Gatsby - Dead. In countless literary works, love and death often appear in conjunction with one another: death imagined as the extreme, oftentimes the only possible expression, of true love.  Love, on the other hand, can take on various forms - mutual love, forbidden love, love that is not replied by another person, and in extreme cases toxic relationships. However, the close relationship between love and death in literature has often been studied from the viewpoint of heterosexual relationships. This seminar aims at looking at various representations of queering love in North American literature. Students will study and discuss various texts representing how, for example, the outbreak of AIDS, the fight for equal rights such as marriage and adoption, and the (ongoing) discrimination of LGBTQ+ people have affected the way love and death are dealt with as essential topics in North American Literature since the 20th century.