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Einführung in das Studium und die Arbeitstechniken der Soziologie (in English; besonders empfohlen für Studierende des BA Globale und Transnationale Soziologie)    Sprache: Englisch    Belegpflicht
(Keine Nummer) Seminar     WiSe 2024/25     2 SWS     keine Übernahme    
   Fakultät: Fakultät für Gesellschaftswissenschaften    
   Zugeordnete Lehrperson:   Manolova
   Termin: Montag   16:00  -  18:00    wöch.    Maximal 20 Teilnehmer/-in
Beginn : 14.10.2024    Ende : 27.01.2025
      Raum :   LK 062   LK  

Teaching aims and objectives


What does scientific work mean? How do I find literature? How do I read texts and record what I have read? How do I write a term paper? In this seminar, you will deepen your knowledge of the content and methods of academic work and apply them in practice. The following key aspects will be covered:


• Scientific work and thinking

• Researching literature and data

• Reading and processing texts

• Writing scientific papers (formulation of problems and questions, structure, formalities)


The techniques of scientific work are developed and tested in exercises using introductory texts on the subject area "Global Transformation and Migration" as examples. This topic focuses on processes of neoliberal transformation on a global scale and the impact these have on contemporary population mobilities. The seminar is divided into three segments. In the first segment we will start by exploring the nature of scientific work and the different types of academic texts. We are going to conduct exercises on how to engage with texts in a critical manner. In the second segment we are going to focus on the ways to find appropriate academic literature, as well as how to cite them correctly. In segment three we will discuss the approaches to scientific writing and how to preprare for the final term papers. The seminar will also give you the opportunity to find your bearings in the new phase of life that is "studying" and to practice and improve your English speaking and writing skills in an academic environment.



Key objectives:

  • Development of early academic skills (reading, understanding, writing, articulation and presentation)
  • Develop a critical appreciation of contemporary social processes, how to compare concepts and to learn (and sometimes) unlearn ideas in dialogue with existing literature
  • Familiarizing with academic requirements (citations, formatting, structure and ethics) 
  • Improving English language skills for academic communication


Structure and content

The course will be held in English.

The seminar involves weekly group discussions and exercises, based on the engagement with academic sources (text-based, audio or visual recording). Additional sources will also be recommended throughout the course.


Proof of performance

Regular active participation in the seminars, including a maximum of 2 absences. Furthermore: Participation in a library tour, acquisition of a library card, reading, exercises for academic work (writing exercises, creating bibliographies, etc.), term paper (submission: 24.2.2025). Details will be communicated in the seminar.


Evaluation (8 ETCS credits)

Apart from the term papers (housework), students are evaluated based on their active participation in the class.


Please note: In addition to the weekly exercises, the lecture "Introduction to the Study and Working Techniques of Sociology" will take place on Mondays from 12-14 o'clock in LX 1205. Attending these meetings is also part of the module. Details of the procedure will be explained in the first lecture on Monday, 10/14/2024.


   Module: E-Modul 2: Einführung in das Studium und die Arbeitstechniken der Soziologie (E-Modul 2)