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RUHR LECTURE 2023/24: The Ruhr Region – A Metropolis in Transformation - Einzelansicht

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Semester WiSe 2023/24 SWS 2
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Credits 5 ECTS-Credits (E3-Studierende: 3 Credits (Prüfung: Klausur)) Belegung Keine Belegpflicht
Sprache Englisch
Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt] iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Raum-
Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen E-Learning
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Mo. 16:00 bis 19:00 EinzelT am 30.10.2023     virtuell; Berger/Frank  
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Mo. 16:00 bis 19:00 EinzelT am 13.11.2023     virtuell; Kiese/Roos  
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Mo. 16:00 bis 19:00 EinzelT am 27.11.2023     virtuell; Greiving/Kuttler  
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Mo. 16:00 bis 19:00 EinzelT am 15.01.2024     virtuell; Buchenau/ Gurr  
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Mo. 16:00 bis 19:00 EinzelT am 22.01.2024     virtuell; Köckler/ Moebus  
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Mo. 16:00 bis 19:00 EinzelT am 29.01.2024     virtuell; Siedentop/ Sonne  
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Mo. 16:00 bis 17:00 EinzelT am 25.03.2024     E3 und Aurora Online Klausur  
Gruppe [unbenannt]:

Zugeordnete Personen
Zugeordnete Personen Zuständigkeit
Gurr, Jens Martin, Professor, Dr.
Hochmuth, Elke , Dr.
Zielgruppe/Studiengang Semester Pflichtkennzeichen
Master, Master 1 - PV
Master of Arts Urbane Kultur, Gesellschaft und Raum, Master of Arts Urbane Kultur, Gesellschaft und Raum -
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Profilschwerpunkt Urbane Systeme

The meetings take place on Mondays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. maximum, exclusively virtually.You can obtain the access data from elke.hochmuth@uni-due.de from mid-October 2023. You will receive the access data after request via email.  

Programme (also HERE)

30.10.2023_What ever should you know about Strukturwandel? – How to Narrate the Transformation of the Ruhr Region for Scholars not Capable of Reading German: Prof. Dr. Stefan Berger (Institute for Social Movements, RUB);  Nostalgia and Melancholia as Moods and Modes of Dealing with Neighborhood Change: Prof. Dr. Susanne Frank (Urban and Regional Sociology, TU DO) 

13.11.2023_Structural Change in the Ruhr: From Manufacturing to Knowledge-based Economy?: Prof. Dr. Matthias Kiese (Institute of Geography, RUB); Hydrogen instead of Coal: Hopes and Doubts: Prof. Dr. Michael Roos (Faculty of Management and Economics, RUB)

27.11.2023_Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change: Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiving (Faculty of Spatial Planning, IRPUD, TU DO); Climate and Air Quality of the Ruhr Region in the course of the Time: Prof. i.R. Wilhelm Kuttler (formerly Faculty of Biology, Applied Climatology and Landscape Ecology, UDE)


15.01.2024_Narrative Strategies and Strategic Narratives in Postindustrial Urban Transformations: Prof. Dr. Barbara Buchenau (Faculty of Humanities, UDE) and Prof. Dr. Jens Martin Gurr (Faculty of Humanities, UDE)

22.01.2023_Environmental Justice: An Approach to Urban Health in the Ruhr: Prof. Dr. Heike Köckler (Hochschule für Gesundheit, Bochum); Climate Change and Urban Public Health - Driving Forces for Shaping a Sustainable and Healthy Future?: Prof. Dr. Susanne Moebus (Institute for Urban Public Health (InUPH), UDE)

29.01.2024_Governing Urban Spatial Structure and Land Use in the Ruhr Area, 1965 – 2023 – A Success Story? Prof. Dr. Stefan Siedentop and Max Schartmann (Both Department of Spatial Planning, Urban Development, TU DO)   ; Town, Country or Town-Country? Architecture and Urban Design in the Ruhr Region: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sonne (Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, TU DO)

The series showcases the broad range of disciplines involved in metropolitan research in the University Alliance Ruhr (UAR): Experts from all three universities give insights into their current work. In this winter term 2023/24, the Ruhr Lecture deals with strategic approaches to transformation processes in urban spaces across disciplines and from a variety of perspectives under the topic "The Ruhr Region – A Metropolis in Transformation". The English-language lecture series will take place on selected Mondays from 4 to 7 pm. Once again, the Ruhr Lecture will take place in the tried and tested virtual format.

This series of lectures will focus primarily on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 "Sustainable Cities and Communities." In particular, in the winter term 23/22 these lectures also focuses on SDG 3 "Good Health and Well-Being, SDG 9 "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure", SDG 13 "Climate Action", SDG 16 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions" and SDG 17 "Partnerships for the Goals".


Wird in der Veranstaltung bekanntgegeben.


This Lecture takes place only virtually during the lecture period on some dates (always on mondays from 4pm to 7pm (latest)). The exact dates are not fixed until the end of September 2023. From October 2023 you will receive the access data via email. Please contact therefore: elke.hochmuth@uni-due.de.


This course is an offer for the students of Urban Systems. This lecture is accepted in Modules 5 and 8. Students of Urban Systems receive 5 credits if they take a written examination (Please prepare a 10-page essay on two lectures of your choice from this lecture series ). The content of thi essay must be at least 2 lectures chosen in advance from this year's Ruhr Lecture. Please contact elke.hochmuth@uni-due.de if you would like to get credits. She will explain the exact rules. 


Diese Veranstaltung ist auch für E3 Studierende geöffnet. Sie erhalten 3 Credits, wenn die Klausur am oben angegebenen Termin (voraussichtlich am 25.3.24 (Online)) erfolgreich absolviert wird. Eine Anmeldung zur E3-Klausur erfolgt über das IOS und bitte über eine Email an elke.hochmuth@uni-due.de bis zum 31.12.2023.



Ausreichende Sprachkompetenz: Die Veranstaltung wird englischsprachig angeboten.


Studienleistung zum Erwerb von ECTS-Credits: Regelmäßige Teilnahme und Klausur.

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2023/24 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25