Kommentar |
The seminar provides an analysis of developmental controversies and challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa, and of selected national and international strategies to tackle such challenges. The seminar will not present an overview of extant theoretical approaches for explaining ‘African’ developmental trends, but rather consist in discussing selected and quite specific developmental aspects such as land rights, industrialization, taxation or social protection. By combining relevant theoretical approaches with the study of empirical cases we aim to get a better idea of how a combination of international, national and local factors facilitate and block development, and how this might vary across Africa. Each session will include a reflection about strategic consequences. |
Bemerkung |
This seminar will start with a short introduction on Friday 12 April 2024, 10-12.
The regular seminar sessions (always 10-14h) will take place the following days: 3 May, 10 May, 24 May, 31 May, 7 June, 14 June, 5 July.
The seminar will be held in English language, IBEP students might, however, also write their seminar papers in German language.