Kommentar |
Inhalte: As the local level is part of an international multilevel governance system, the announced seminar "From the Global to the Local: Conditions of, and Policies for, International, European and National Energy Transitions" focuses on international, European and national framework conditions for local climate policies. The seminar will be based on main documents of the international debate (e.g. IPCC-5th Assessment Report) and will analyse relevant institutions and the emergence of the international climate policy regime. As currently national and local climate policies in the European context are mainly induced by European legislation, a second focus of the seminar will be main processes and directives at the EU level, such as the Directives on the Energy Performance of Buildings, on Energy Efficiency, on Renewable Energy and on Ecodesign. |
Bemerkung |
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Die Veranstaltung ist anrechenbar für Bereich II des Zertifikats ‚Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung‘ der UDE. |