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E3 - RUB_Sowi - Corruption, Data and the Sustainable Development Goals - Cr. 3-6 - Einzelansicht

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Semester WiSe 2020/21 SWS
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen 8
Credits 3 (unbenotet) / 5 / 6 Belegung Keine Belegpflicht
Weitere Links Studium liberale im IOS (Modul E3)
Sprache Englisch
Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt] iCalendar Export für Outlook
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Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen E-Learning
iCalendar Export für Outlook Fr.  bis  EinzelT am 05.02.2021     prepatory meeting, zoom   E-Learning
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iCalendar Export für Outlook
-. 09:00 bis 18:00 Block 25.02.2021 bis 05.03.2021          E-Learning
Gruppe [unbenannt]:

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Studium liberale (E3)

When? 25.02.2021 – 05.03.2021

Preparatory Meeting: 05.02.2021

Where? Online via Zoom

25.02.2021 (9:00 – 18:00) Day 1: Winter/Spring School Overview

26.02.2021 (9:00 – 18:00) Day 2: Governance indicators and data sources

01.03.2021 (9:00 – 18:00) Day 3: Case Study – The Indonesian Governance Index (IGI)

02.03.2021 (9:00 – 18:00) Day 4: Developing an Advocacy Plan

04.03.2021 (9:00 – 18:00) Day 5: Anti-corruption and the SDGs

05.03.2021 (9:00 – 18:00) Day 6: Presentation of Assignments, Evaluation and Farewell

(aktualisiert am 28.01.21)



The Winter School “Corruption, Data and the Sustainable Development Goals” aims to equip participants with the knowledge and the skills needed to collect, analyse and use governance data to monitor corruption and promote anti-corruption reforms across the Sustainable Development Goal framework. To do so, it takes an intentionally interdisciplinary and comparative international approach, drawing on insights from policy analysis, social scientific inquiry, political philosophy, development and humanitarian studies, law and economics. The proposed winter school is designed to bring together students from various disciplines with anti-corruption practitioners to foster innovative approaches to curbing corruption in sectors such as health, education, justice, water and sanitation and climate action. Students will benefit from the breadth of material covered, as well as the opportunities to interact with practitioners to tackle real-world problems. The cases of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Afghanistan and Indonesia will serve as examples of how corruption negatively influences development and reconstruction while threatening security and undermining peacebuilding. Ultimately, the objective of the course is to stimulate new initiatives that can further establish the credibility of governance data generated by citizens and civil society to fight corruption, improve aid performance, and track implementation of the SDGs. A key element of the course is that the participants are expected to produce a “roadmap” to fight a specific corruption problem, using governance data with linkages to SDGs. At the end of each learning session, the participants are required to answer a few short questions relating to their own corruption problem for which they are developing a road map. In answering these questions, the participants identify key players who can help them, map out relevant indicators and datasets for assessing and measuring corruption, and come up with an advocacy strategy.
The Winter School is offered as a partnership between Transparency International (TI), the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) at Ruhr University Bochum, and Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization (APPRO)

Qualification targets:

  • By the end of this course the participants will:
  • Understand the scale, nature and cost of corruption on politics, economics, and society.
  • Be familiar with a range of theoretical approaches to measuring and tackling corruption.
  • Learn about the various stakeholders involved in governance reform, their competing interests as well as develop skills to generate the kind evidence-based advocacy that can drive policy reform.
  • Know about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the SDGs, and particularly its governance facets.
  • Develop familiarity with a number of typologies of indicators and datasets, as well as experience working hands-on with several actual governance indices.
  • Acquire skills to conduct analysis of sectoral value chains and integrity risks. Be able to develop their own policy monitoring and evaluation frameworks that can be applied to different policy areas.

Coyle, Diane (2014). GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History, Princeton University Press. This book has to be acquired by students.

Lequiller, F. & D. Blades (2014). Understanding National Accounts, 2nd Edition, Paris: OECD. (selected parts).

Further literature references and learning materials will be made available on Moodle.


Dozent: Prof. Dennis Dijkzeul, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaf, RUBt; Birgit Frey, inSTUDIES, RUB (Summerschools)

Lageplan RUB

Please keep an eye out for possible changes/new information Original description in the RUB database


This lecture is offered primarily for all students interested in fulfilling the requirements of module II of the certificate 'Education for Sustainable Development'.
If this course is not suitable for you in E3 but you wish to attend to fulfill the requirements of module II of the certificate or because of personal interest, please send us an e-mail: zertifikat-bne@uni-due.de.
Students from RUB may acquire the certificate 'Education for Sustainable Development' as well.


For students from distant fields of studies it is also admissible for modul E3 Studium liberale.

A list of available courses, more information regarding the E3/Studium liberale module, a list of courses in chronological order and more can be found on the IOS website.


Späte Blockseminare eignen sich nicht für Studierende im letzten Semester. Bei Kursausfall, Nichtbestehen, Terminkonflikten etc. steht zu diesem späten Zeitpunkt ggf. keine Alternative im laufenden Semester mehr zur Verfügung.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass nach dem Semesterende (SoSe 30.09. / WS 31.03.) erbrachte Leistungen prüfungsrechtlich zum Folgesemester gerechnet werden und daher eine Rückmeldung / Immatrikulation im Folgesemester erfordern. Das richtet sich nach dem Termin der Leistungserbringung (Präsentationstag, Tag der Einreichung einer schriftlichen Arbeit, Klausurtermin etc.)“


Master- and advanced Bachelorstudents (4. Semester) of all disciplines; not suitable für students 1.-3. Semester

In E3 not suitable for: GesWi; MOAS m Soz o PW, Soz. Arbeit
Die 3-Cr.-Option ist unbenotet und daher nicht geeignet für: Fak. Chemie; BauIng, Innopren., Komedia, M_AEM; die 5- und 6-Cr-Optionen sind benotet.

Für das Zertifikat BNE ist die Veranstaltung in allen Fächern und Studiengängen geeignet.

Englische Sprachkompetenz

Für Studierende der UDE und das Zertifikat für Nachhaltigkeit wurden 8 Plätze reserviert

Anmeldung und Zulassung erfolgen durch die Anbieter an der Ruhr Universität Bochum auf der Basis der Registrierungsform und des Motivationsanschreibens:

Registration from now on until the 31st of January 2021.” 
http://www.ifhv.de/documents/other/20201105_RegistrationForm-1v_verteilt.pdf (aktualisiert am 28.01.21)
http://www.ifhv.de/index.php/teaching/ifhv-summer-school -> Winterschool)
Bitte achten Sie hier selbständig auf die Eignung für Modul E3, da der Anbieter die Korrektheit = Fachfremdheit Ihrer Belegung nicht prüfen wird. Fachnahe Studierende können die Winterschool für das Zertifikat BNE anerkennen lassen, aber nicht für das Modul E3. (s.o.) Sollten Sie Fragen haben, beraten wir Sie seitens der Studium liberale Teams gerne: studium-liberale@uni.due.de

Die Zugänge zu kursrelevanten Foren etc. werden Ihnen nach erfolgreicher Anmeldung bzw. Zulassung durch die Anbieter per E-Mail mitgeteilt.

  • 3 ECTS-Cr. for active participation + presentation (ungraded/unbenotet)
  • 5 ECTS-Cr. for active participation + presentation + course study specific paper (roadmap) (graded/benotet)
  • 6 ECTS-Cr. for active participation + presentation + course study specific paper (roadmap) + Sitzungsprotokoll oder Buchrezension (graded/benotet)

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2020/21 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024