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Design Theory 2 - Einzelansicht

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Semester WiSe 2024/25 SWS 2
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Credits Belegung Keine Belegpflicht
Sprache Englisch
Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt] iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Raum-
Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen E-Learning
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iCalendar Export für Outlook
Mi. 14:45 bis 16:15 wöch. ST - ST 118      
Gruppe [unbenannt]:

Zugeordnete Person
Zugeordnete Person Zuständigkeit
Overhagen, Christian , Dr.-Ing. verantwort
Zielgruppe/Studiengang Semester Pflichtkennzeichen
15 B.Sc.ISE, Steel Technology and Metal Forming, STMF (Bachelor of Science) 5 - 5 PV
ISE/MMF B.Sc., ISE/Metallurgy and Metal Forming (Bachelor of Science) 3 - 3 PV
ISE/ACE B.Sc., ISE/Automation and Control Engineering (Bachelor of Science) 3 - 3 WP
15 B.Sc.ISE, Metallury and Metal Forming MMF (Bachelor of Science) 3 - 3 PV
ISE/ME B.Sc., ISE/Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor of Science) 3 - 3 PV
15 B.Sc.ISE, Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor of Science) 3 - 3 PV
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Institut für Technologien der Metalle (itm)

Contents of this lecture are the breakable shaft-hub connections in mechanical design, like the shape and frictional fits. This is followed by the not breakable shaft hub connections with special emphasis of the shrink and press fits as well as the welded joints and the welding procedures for most diverse metallic materials.
The further topics of the lecture are the fundamentals for axles, shafts and hubs as well as the methods for the computation of the shaft geometry and the shaft deformations under combined load as well as the strength for a given load condition also under kinematics conditions. Friction and lubrication with a systematic treatment of the lubricants and the lubrication theory leads the principles for the different bearing designs further on to roller and sliding bearings with its different characteristics, its construction, their computation of load-carrying capacity and endurance as well as. Rotary and stationary sealing are the last topic of the lecture.


The student knows the methods for desiging shaft-hub connections and welding processes.

Die Veranstaltung wurde 6 mal im Vorlesungsverzeichnis WiSe 2024/25 gefunden:
5.Semester  - - - 1
3. SEMESTER  - - - 2
3.Semester  - - - 3
3. SEMESTER  - - - 4
3. SEMESTER  - - - 5
3.Semester  - - - 6