Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2019/20 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25
  • Funktionen:
Grundkurs Literaturwissenschaft (Introduction to Literary Studies) Gr. 5    Sprache: Englisch    Belegpflicht
(Keine Nummer) Übung     WiSe 2019/20     1 SWS     jedes Semester    
   Lehreinheit: Anglistik    
   Teilnehmer/-in  Maximal : 50  
   Zugeordnete Lehrperson:   Heyl
   Termin: Montag   16:00  -  18:00    wöch.
Beginn : 09.12.2019   
      Raum :   R12 R05 A69   R12R  

This course serves as a follow-up and complement to the lecture "Introduction to Literary Studies". Basic areas covered by the lecture will be discussed in detail in each of the courses, a particular focus forming around the most important literary genres – fiction, drama, and poetry – since participants are expected to have a good command of the basic analytical techniques in the field of Anglophone literary studies at the end of the term. The structure of all Introductory Courses to Literary Studies - which will be held in English - is generally identical. A variety of texts will help illustrate important aspects of literature such as the characteristics of the major epochs and genres, literary theories as well as various approaches to literature, etc. Our textual base is taken from a number of regions across the Anglophone world. Participants need to actively participate in the classroom debates on a regular basis. In addition, they are expected to write a number of short assignments. It is necessary for students to take part in both the lecture and the Introductory Course. A mandatory reader with the texts to be read for each session will be available at the copy-shop “Unser Kopierladen” (Reckhammerweg 4) at the start of the semester.


Die Veranstaltung gliedert sich in zwei Lernschritte. In der ersten Hälfte der Vorlesungszeit ist die Vorlesung “Introduction to Literary Studies” zu besuchen, ab Mitte der Vorlesungszeit wechseln Sie in den Seminarmodus, um das in der Vorlesung behandelte Fachwissen an exemplarischen Beispielen zu veranschaulichen und zu vertiefen. Das Seminar ist also der ergänzende Pflicht-Grundkurs zur Vorlesung "Introduction to Literary Studies".