Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SoSe 2021 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25
  • Funktionen:
Contested Conjuncturs of (Anti-) Racism    Sprache: Englisch    Belegpflicht
(Keine Nummer) Blockseminar     SoSe 2021     2 SWS     keine Übernahme    
   Fakultät: Fakultät für Gesellschaftswissenschaften    
   Zugeordnete Lehrperson:   Scheel
   Termin: Montag   16:00  -  19:00    EinzelT    Maximal 30 Teilnehmer/-in
Beginn : 07.06.2021    Ende : 07.06.2021
  Dienstag   16:00  -  19:00    EinzelT    Maximal 30 Teilnehmer/-in
Beginn : 08.06.2021    Ende : 08.06.2021
  Mittwoch   16:00  -  19:00    EinzelT    Maximal 30 Teilnehmer/-in
Beginn : 09.06.2021    Ende : 09.06.2021
  Donnerstag   16:00  -  19:00    EinzelT    Maximal 30 Teilnehmer/-in
Beginn : 10.06.2021    Ende : 10.06.2021
  Montag   16:00  -  19:00    EinzelT    Maximal 30 Teilnehmer/-in
Beginn : 14.06.2021    Ende : 14.06.2021
  Dienstag   16:00  -  19:00    EinzelT    Maximal 30 Teilnehmer/-in
Beginn : 15.06.2021    Ende : 15.06.2021
  Mittwoch   16:00  -  19:00    EinzelT    Maximal 30 Teilnehmer/-in
Beginn : 16.06.2021    Ende : 16.06.2021
  Donnerstag   16:00  -  19:00    EinzelT    Maximal 30 Teilnehmer/-in
Beginn : 17.06.2021    Ende : 17.06.2021

(Anti-)Racism features prominently on the political agenda. Initially coined as a slogan to protest the impunity of police officers killing black Americans in the US, Black Lives Matters became a transnational movement in 2020. Meanwhile students in Oxford, Amsterdam and other campuses campaign for the decolonisation of the curriculum in Anthropology, Sociology, Political Theory and other disciplines. At the same time, Germany’s minister of interior prevented an independent inquiry on racism within the police with the argument that racism was illegal and that the police, as it is tasked with enforcing the law, can by definition not be racist. This argumentation confirms the critique of multi-culturalism as the ideology of post-racial societies that, while celebrating cultural diversity, brackets questions of socio-economic equality and persistent racist discrimination. This raises the question how one can assemble evidence on racism in societies that officially define themselves as anti-racist? How can one account for racism with scientific methods if racist discrimination is primarily based on subjective experience? And what kind of ideals and conceptions of conviviality can we think of to overcome the intrinsically reactionary nature of anti-racism? Since their inception in the 1960s, antiracist struggles have featured at times heated debates on how to define, know and combat racism. To engage with the epistemic, theoretical and political challenges raised by contemporary conjunctions of (anti-)racism, this course will revisit and discuss key contributions to these debates.

   Module: Modul 9 a-d: Studienschwerpunkte (Modul 9)