The written examination of Module 1 for the students of the Master's Programmes SUD and UCCS takes place on January, 30, 2019, 10.00am until 12.00noon (room T03 R02 D26).
The events of Module 1 by Casanova/Schmidt and by Gurr/Wehling will start on October 17th, 2018 (expect the RUHR Lecture: it will start on October 16th). The first session by Krumme will start on 24th of October.
Prof. Dr. Wehling and Prof. Dr. Gurr will offer an excursion in the "Ruhr Area" (excursion with bus, you will come back to the University nightly).
Meeting point and meeting times for the excursions:
Friday, October 26th and Saturday, October 27th, 2018; time: 8:30am; Gladbecker Straße/Universitätsstraße (in the front of "Cafe Rosso, Campus Essen"). Every day you will be back round about 6pm.
Students from the Masters Programmes "Urban Systems" are welcome!!