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Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SoSe 2019 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25
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Module 4: Urban Development and Quality of Life - Assessing the European Green Capital Essen (2017) (compulsory)    Sprache: Englisch    Keine Belegung möglich
(Keine Nummer) Projektseminar     SoSe 2019     jedes 2. Semester    
   Abteilungen: Profilschwerpunkt Urbane Systeme    
      Master, Master
  Master of Arts Urbane Kultur, Gesellschaft und Raum, Abschluss 86, Master of Arts Urbane Kultur, Gesellschaft und Raum (86UKG)
   Zugeordnete Lehrperson:   Wehling
   Termin: Montag   09:30  -  18:00    wöch.
Beginn : 08.04.2019    Ende : 08.07.2019
      Raum :   S06 S00 B32   S06S  
  Montag   09:30  -  18:00    EinzelT
Beginn : 15.07.2019    Ende : 15.07.2019
      Raum :   S06 S00 B32   S06S  
  Freitag   09:00  -  13:00    EinzelT
Beginn : 14.06.2019    Ende : 14.06.2019
      Raum :   T03 R04 C07   T03R  
  Treffen Arbeitsgruppe: Freude

1. Topics:

- Quality of life

- Green sustainable city

- Urban development strategies

2. Methodology - Integrated urban Analysi:


- Surveys (qualitative and quantitative)

- Walkability

- Participation

- Critical mapping

3. Objectives:

- Definition of quality of life through measurable factors

- Evaluation of quality of life in different (defined) urban neighborhoods

- Evaluation of green city criteria in different (defined) urban neighborhoods

- Conception and proposal of urban development strategies and measures

4. Learning Outcomes:

- Studying complex real urban issues in interdisciplinary groups

- Understanding and applying empirical assessment methods and evaluation tools

- Understanding status quo evaluation and critical urban analysis

- Understanding the development process from problems/ challenges into potentials for sustainable urban transformation

5. Examination:

- Final presentation of work results

- Written report approx. 25 pages per group, which will be part of an integrated report with the overall seminar results


The course starts always at 9:30am.

This course is connected with the GIS-Kurs (Part 2) by Ms Sattler, plese check the addtional appointments here:


