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Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2020/21 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024
  • Funktionen:
Social Content Analysis using Official and Media Sources    Sprache: Englisch    Belegpflicht
(Keine Nummer) Seminar/Übung     WiSe 2020/21     2 SWS     jedes 2. Semester     ECTS-Punkte: 3    
   Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen: Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften    
   Teilnehmer/-in  Maximal : 40  
      Master of Arts Modern East Asian Studies, Abschluss 86, Master of Arts Modern East Asian Studies (86OA2)
  Master of Arts Contemporary East Asian Studies, Abschluss 86, Master of Arts Contemporary East Asian Studies (86D92)
  CEAS M.A., Contemporary East Asian Studies (Master of Arts)
  MEAS M.A., Modern East Asian Studies (Master of Arts)
   Zugeordnete Lehrpersonen:   Muranaka ,   Shire begleitend
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
   Termin: Dienstag   18:00  -  20:00    wöch.
Beginn : 10.11.2020    Ende : 09.02.2021


You need to register for both parts of the module to gain the full 6 CP.

If you have trouble registering, please contact Mrs. Kogler and include your full name, student ID and study program in your e-mail: melanie.kogler@uni-due.de




Research on Gender Inequalities in Japan


The topic of the module Social Structure/Social Content Analysis in the Winter Term 2020/2021 is gender inequalities in Japan. The course takes a macro-sociological and institutional approach to understanding how Japanese institutions and organizations are gendered, with systematic disadvantages accruing to women, but also to men who wish to lead non-heteronormative life courses. The course begins with an historical analysis of what we will call the “conservative gender regime” in Japan, and how this transformed from an authoritarian to a democratic form from the Meiji reforms of the late 1800s through the high growth period in the 1960s. The emphasis thereafter is the transformation from a “domestic-conservative” to a “public-conservative” gender regime. The contemporary era is the main focus of the course. In this context we will consider Japanese feminist movements and gender-reactionary politics, especially those motivated by demographic and economic crises in Japan. One part of the module taught by Karen Shire will focus on theory and research on gender transformations in the social sciences internationally and in Japanese sociology. The second part of the module taught by Aimi Muranaka will focus on sources and the development of student research papers, which will focus on some dimension of gender transformations in Japan. Some course meetings will be scheduled together (student presentations of their paper topics, for example). The course requirement, a research paper of 15 pages, can be mobilized to prepare an expose for an MA thesis. The course is also open to doctoral students in East Asian Studies or in Comparative Sociology. Students interested in the course are invited to read the open access article: Shire, Karen and Nemoto, Kumiko. (2020). The Origins and Transformation of Conservative Gender Regimes in Germany and Japan. Social Politics, 27(3), 432-448. https://doi.org/10.1093/sp/jxaa017 for a brief overview of the topic.The module is taught online/digitally.