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Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SoSe 2022 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024
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Applied Quantitative Policy Evaluation: Which are the Best Public Policies?    Sprache: Deutsch    Belegpflicht
(Keine Nummer) Seminar     SoSe 2022     2 SWS     keine Übernahme    
   Fakultät: Fakultät für Gesellschaftswissenschaften    
      IBEP M.A., Internationale Beziehungen und Entwicklungspolitik (Master of Arts)   ( 2. Semester )
  PM M.A., Politikmanagement, Public Policy und öffentliche Verwaltung (Master of Arts)   ( 4. Semester )
  TuV, Theorie und Vergleich politischer Systeme im Wandel   ( 2. Semester )
  DevGov M.A., Development and Governance (Master of Arts)   ( 2. Semester )
  Prom, Promotion
   Zugeordnete Lehrperson:   Goerres
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
   Termin: Donnerstag   08:00  -  12:00    14-tgl.
Beginn : 07.04.2022    Ende : 14.07.2022
  Raum: LS 105

This course is about quantitative policy evaluation, i.e. the statistical analysis of outcomes affected by public policies.

What is the effect of an educational programme on student achievement?

What effect do freely provided malaria nets have on health?

What is the effect of generous parental leave regulations on fertility?

What are ethical issues when assessing policy impact?

The taught will be taught on campus.

It is open to all Master students in Political Science and PhD students in the Social Sciences. If you want to take part in this despite already having earned the ECTS points, you can do so, too, if there is enough space (I will certify your participation), but you have to follow the whole course with the full workload.

The first meeting will be on Thursday, 07 April 9-12 am in LS 105. The course will meet 7-8 sessions with 180 minutes each.

14 April

05 May

19 May

09 June

30 June

07 July

(14 July)

There will be occasional guests from applied policy analysis.

I am teaching this course because I believe that all Master graduates in political science should be able to understand and conduct the evaluation of public policies. The methods that we will learn can be used not only in public policy but also any kind of systematic programme or intervention (e.g. within an organisation). Students will thus be able to assess any kind of programme, intervention or public policy, a very important transferable skill. We will look at established analyses, both very good and very bad examples, and reproduce some of the analyses.

We will practice how to present policy evaluations to lay people by video-taped presentation and other means.

We will use Stata and/or R on your own computer in and out of class. You will be provided with licenses if need be. You should have some basic knowledge of some syntax-based statistical software or computer language. If you have absolute no knowledge of syntax whatsoever, but are statistically up2scratch ( a rare combination), please send me an e-mail, so that we can see whether you can go through a self-taught course.

You should like numbers and statistical analyses because the course is not for the statistically faint-hearted. Students who took my course MA lecture in political sciene methods are well equipped for this course. We will look at observational, quasi-experimental and experimental analyses.

If you want to benefit from a cutting-edge course in applied methods and public policy analysis, in an intensive interactive peer2peer environment and with a teacher who genuinely cares about analytical political science and your individual progress, this is the course for you. The workload will be 5 ECTS, i.e. 150 working hours, not more and not less. You have to prepare classes and submit written and oral pieces fo work.

If you want to lay back and earn your ECTS without any real effort, this may not be your best choice.

All material will be in English. English will be the language that we will converse in unless every participant will have grown up in a German-speaking environment. Written submissions can only be in German if all those who will read them have a good command of it.

Participation is mandatory. If you cannot attend one session, you need to excuse yourself in advance and will have to submit substitute work to show that you have understood the material.

How to register:

Register in the moodle online course https://moodle.uni-due.de/course/view.php?id=33611 , using the password Iwttpi2022.  (I want to take part in 2022.) Also, send an e-mail expressing your interest to achim.goerres@uni-due.de

If you are not a student at the University of Duisburg-Essen, but a doctoral student at the International Max Planck Research School, you need to register for a guest account in moodle.uni-due.de and then register for the course.

First come, first serve. The seminar is capped at 20 participants.

Many thanks