Kommentar: |
The meetings take place on Mondays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. maximum, exclusively virtually.You can obtain the access data from metropolenforschung@uaruhr.de from mid-October 2022. You will receive the access data after request via email.
Programme 24.10.2022; Prof. Dr. Jens Martin Gurr (Department of Anglophone Studies, UDE), Prof. Dr. Barbara Buchenau (Department of Anglophone Studies, UDE): Narrative Strategies and Strategic Narratives in Postindustrial Urban Transformation 07.11.2022; Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiechman (Faculty of Spatial Planning, TU DO), Prof. Dr. Christiane Hellmanzik (Faculty of Economics, TU DO): Added Values of the Emscher Conversion – An Analysis from a Planning and Regional Economic Perspective 28.11.2022; Prof. Dr. Johannes Weyer (Subject Area: Sociology of Technology, TU Dortmund ): Methods of Transformation Research. The Case of Sustainable Transportation in the Ruhr District 12.12.2022; Dr. Susanne Bieker (Urban Transitions and Water Systems, Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI) . Dr. Uta Burghard (Energy Technology and Energy Systems, Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI), Anna Grimm (Mobility, Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI), Sven Alsheimer (Actors and Acceptance, Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI): Transitions in Urban Spaces: Energy, Mobility, Climate Adaptation and a Stakeholder Perspective 19.12.2022; Dr. Julia Reinermann (Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences, FernUniversität Hagen), Sebastian Schlecht (lala.ruhr): Creative, Green and Resilient – Strategies for Social Cohesion of Urban Transformation 09.01.2023; Dr. Julia Wittmayer (DRIFT & Erasmus University Rotterdam), Dr. Timo von Wirth (DRIFT & Erasmus University Rotterdam): Experimentation and Transformative Research for Urban Transformatio 16.01.2023; Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt (SFS TU DO), Dr. Rick Hölsgens (SFS TU DO), Daniel Krüger (SFS TU DO): Social Innovation for Urban Transformation
The series showcases the broad range of disciplines involved in metropolitan research in the University Alliance Ruhr (UAR): Experts from all three universities give insights into their current work. In this winter term 2022/23, the Ruhr Lecture deals with strategic approaches to transformation processes in urban spaces across disciplines and from a variety of perspectives under the topic "Sustainable Transformation - Strategies of Urban Changes". How do cities and regions meet the growing transformation requirements in connection with the Grand Challenges? Which regional potentials are being used? What possibilities are there for steering these processes? These and more questions will be examined in greater detail in the English-language lecture series on selected Mondays from 4 to 7 pm. Once again, the Ruhr Lecture will take place in the tried and tested virtual format.
Since 2013, the RUHR LECTURE has been organized by the Institute of Geography at Ruhr-University Bochum and the Faculty of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund. They are now joined by the Joint Center "Urban Systems" at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Further details on programm: https://metropolenforschung.uaruhr.de/en/home/upcoming-events/
This series of lectures will focus primarily on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 "Sustainable Cities and Communities." In particular, in the winter term 22/23 these lectures also focuses on SDG 9 "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure", SDG 16 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions" and SDG 17 "Partnerships for the Goals". |
Bemerkung: |
This Lecture takes place only virtually during the lecture period on some dates (always on mondays from 4pm to 7pm (latest)). From October 2022 you will receive the access data via email. Please contact therefore: metropolenforschung@uaruhr.de.
This course is an offer for the students of Urban Systems. This lecture is accepted in Modules 5 and 8. Students of Urban Systems receive 5 credits if they write an essay on one (or more) refereed topic (at least 10 pages on a scientific question of the selected topic). The homework will be graded and has to be submitted online to Dr. Elke Hochmuth (elke.hochmuth@uni-due.de). More details about the examination can be found in the course offer of Urban Systems.
Please submit the essay online to Elke Hochmuth by March 31th, 2023.
Diese Veranstaltung ist auch für E3 Studierende geöffnet. Sie erhalten 3 Credits, wenn die Klausur am oben angegebenen Termin erfolgreich absolviert wird. Eine Anmeldung zur E3-Klausur erfolgt über das IOS und bitte über eine Email an elke.hochmuth@uni-due.de.