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Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SoSe 2024 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25
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Kinematics of Mechanisms and Robots    Sprache: Englisch    Keine Belegung möglich
(Keine Nummer) Vorlesung     SoSe 2024     2 SWS     jedes 2. Semester    
   Lehreinheit: Maschinenbau    
      Maschbau MA/M, Maschinenbau (Master, Mechatronik)   ( 1. Semester )
  Maschbau MA/AM, Maschinenbau (Master, Allgemeiner Maschinenbau)   ( 1. Semester )
  WIng M.Sc. MB/M, Wirtschaftsingenieur Richtung Maschinenbau (Master, Mechatronik)   ( 1. Semester )
  15 M.Sc.ISE, Mechanical Engineering (Master of Science, GME)   ( 2. Semester )
  15 M.Sc.ISE, Mechanical Engineering (Master of Science, M)   ( 2. Semester )
   Zugeordnete Lehrperson:   Kecskeméthy
   Termin: Mittwoch   18:00  -  20:00    wöch.       Raum :   LB 131   LB  

This course focuses on the kinematics of machinery and robots: Contents: vector spaces; the rigid-body motion: planar motion, spatial motion, description of rotations (Euler angles, rotation vector, Rodrigues and Euler parameters), infinitesimal rotations; kinematics of serial chains; kinematics of closed chains; kinetostatic transmission principle and the transmission of loads; dynamic equations using kinematics; kinematics of planar machinery: instantaneous rotation axis; center of curvature; methods of mechanism synthesis. The course consists of two hours of lectures and one hour of practical lectures in which worked-out examples are discussed. There will also be optional lab sessions using computer simulation and operation of industrial robots in the machine hall.

   Bemerkung: n.V.