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Die Veranstaltung wurde 4 mal im Vorlesungsverzeichnis WiSe 2024/25 gefunden:
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Global Governance and Development    Sprache: Deutsch    Belegpflicht
(Keine Nummer) Vorlesung     WiSe 2024/25     2 SWS     jedes 2. Semester    
   Lehreinheit: Sozialwissenschaften    
   Teilnehmer/-in  erwartet : 45   Maximal : 45  
      DevGov M.A., Development and Governance (Master of Arts)   ( 1. Semester )
  IBEP M.A., Internationale Beziehungen und Entwicklungspolitik (Master of Arts)   ( 1. Semester )
  Master of Arts Development and Governance, Abschluss 86, Master of Arts Development and Governance (86B51)   ( 1. Semester )
  Master of Arts Internationale Beziehungen und Entwicklungspolitik, Abschluss 86, Master of Arts Internationale Beziehungen und Entwicklungspolitik (86D96)   ( 1. Semester )
   Zugeordnete Lehrperson:   Debiel
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
   Termin: Donnerstag   12:00  -  14:00    EinzelT
Beginn : 10.10.2024    Ende : 10.10.2024
      Raum :   LB 117   LB  
  Donnerstag   12:00  -  14:00    wöch.
Beginn : 17.10.2024   
      Raum :   SG U126   SG  
  fällt aus am 12.12.2024    due to illness
  Donnerstag   12:00  -  14:00    wöch.
Beginn : 28.11.2024    Ende : 05.12.2024
      Raum :   LB 117   LB  
  Donnerstag   12:00  -  14:00    EinzelT
Beginn : 19.12.2024    Ende : 19.12.2024
      Raum :   LB 117   LB  
  Donnerstag   12:00  -  14:00    EinzelT
Beginn : 09.01.2025    Ende : 09.01.2025
      Raum :   LB 117   LB  
  Donnerstag   12:00  -  14:00    EinzelT
Beginn : 30.01.2025    Ende : 30.01.2025
      Raum :   LB 117   LB  

The lecture will mainly be held in person, but there might also be virtual sessions. Assignments will be explained in the first session (10 October 2024).
Please note: The first session will take place in room no. LB 117 as an exception.

The tentative table of contents is as follows:

1. Introduction and Basic Concepts
A. Paradigms and Theories
2. Neoliberal Globalisation and its Critics
3. Global Governance: an Emergent Paradigm or a Concept in Decline?
4. The Renaissance of Geopolitics?
5. & 6. Contested Concepts of Development: From the Promises of Modernisation to Post-Development
B. Rise and Decline of the Liberal World Order
7. Hegemony and the Liberal World Order
8. China and BRICS as Challengers
9. The Role of Multilateral Institutions (especially WTO)
C. Governance in the Shadow of Multiple Developmemt Crises
10. The Global Financial Crisis of 2007/8 and the Rise of the G20
11. The Global Climate Crisis: Towards Polycentric Governance? 
12. The World Health Crisis: COVID-19 and the Neoliberal Paradigm
13. The Crisis of the International Development System
14. The Crisis of Democracy: Populism and Autocratisation as Consequences of the Neoliberal Development Model



The lecture will mainly be held in person, but there might also be virtual sessions. Assignments will be explained in the first session (10 October 2024).
Please note: The first session will take place in room no. LB 117 as an exception.

The tentative table of contents is as follows:

1. Introduction and Basic Concepts
A. Paradigms and Theories
2. Neoliberal Globalisation and its Critics
3. Global Governance: an Emergent Paradigm or a Concept in Decline?
4. The Renaissance of Geopolitics?
5. & 6. Contested Concepts of Development: From the Promises of Modernisation to Post-Development
B. Rise and Decline of the Liberal World Order
7. Hegemony and the Liberal World Order
8. China and BRICS as Challengers
9. The Role of Multilateral Institutions (especially WTO)
C. Governance in the Shadow of Multiple Developmemt Crises
10. The Global Financial Crisis of 2007/8 and the Rise of the G20
11. The Global Climate Crisis: Towards Polycentric Governance? 
12. The World Health Crisis: COVID-19 and the Neoliberal Paradigm
13. The Crisis of the International Development System
14. The Crisis of Democracy: Populism and Autocratisation as Consequences of the Neoliberal Development Model


