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weitere Informationen zu Vorlesungsverzeichnis  Vorlesungsverzeichnis    
weitere Informationen zu Ostasienwissenschaften/ East Asian Studies  Ostasienwissenschaften/ East Asian Studies    
weitere Informationen zu MA Modern East Asian Studies (MA MEAS)  MA Modern East Asian Studies (MA MEAS)    
weitere Informationen zu 2. Semester  2. Semester    

The second term of MA MEAS is dedicated to the MA thesis. MEAS students choose the so-called "Seminar attached to the MA thesis/Kolloquium" with the respective chair/supervisor for their study focus and follow the instructions regarding who to contact/how to register for thesis supervision. Please note: Supervision might be organized as (ir)regular seminar or kolloquium, individual supervision, etc.!

weitere Informationen zu Seminar attached to MA Thesis/Kolloquium  Seminar attached to MA Thesis/Kolloquium    
weitere Informationen zu Additional courses  Additional courses